US-285 & S Broadway Project

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Project Overview

The US-285 & S. Broadway Interchange Reconstruction project will reconstruct the S. Broadway bridge over 285, the adjacent ramps, and US-285 itself from approximately Bannock St to Sherman St. The project will replace the aging and outdated bridge, improve roadway geometry, and improve pedestrian and bicycle facilities within the interchange.

Project Schedule

The design phase started in December of 2020 and was completed in early 2022. The project was initially advertised for construction in June of 2022 and the bid opening held on July 26, 2022. Due to unexpectedly high bids, construction cannot start until additional funding is identified for the project.

Proposed Improvements

Interchange Configuration

The consultant worked with the City and CDOT to develop and review possible interchange configurations. Ultimately, the analysis resulted in the recommendation and selection of a tight diamond interchange, similar to what exists today. Compared to the existing interchange, the proposed interchange will feature:

  • Improved roadway geometry compared to the existing diamond
  • Improved storage space for northbound left turning traffic
  • Safer crossings with fewer conflicts between pedestrians and traffic at each crossing
  • Provides more accessible greenspace by shifting the ramps closer to US-285
  • Maintains a similar footprint which eliminates the need to acquire private right-of-way

Roadway Geometry Improvements

The new interchange will include 3 through lanes in each direction on US-285, while improving roadway geometry to meet modern standards for driver and pedestrian safety and comfort. The new interchange will modify the curve on US-285 to provide a more predictable and comfortable driver experience. The ramps will be designed to provide softer departure angles. The signalized intersection at US-285 & S. Sherman St will be removed to eliminate hazardous conflicts between US-285 traffic, S. Sherman traffic, and merging traffic to and from S. Broadway. The new geometry at Sherman St will only allow the option of traffic making a right turn from westbound US-285 to northbound Sherman St.

Bridge Replacement

The existing S Broadway bridge over US-285 is over 70 years old and does not meet modern design standards for roadways such as vertical clearances, appropriate lines of sights, and shoulders. This project will replace the outdated and deteriorating structure with a longer bridge to accommodate the additional lanes underneath. The bridge replacement gives the City the opportunity to improve on other sub-standard features on the S Broadway cross-section as well. Such improvements may include: an improved pedestrian and bicycle experience through wider sidewalks and a buffer zone between pedestrian and vehicle traffic, improved aesthetics on a keynote piece of infrastructure in the downtown district, and narrower lanes promoting safer driving as traffic enters the pedestrian dense downtown district.

Retaining Walls

As part of the bridge replacement the existing retaining walls will be removed. The new retaining walls will consist of short, cheap walls arranged in a stepped configuration to make up the elevation difference between US-285 & S. Broadway. In addition to a lower up front cost, these walls are easier to access and maintain, providing cost savings throughout the life-cycle of the new interchange.


The additional lanes on US-285 will add more surface run-off that will need to be collected and responsibly discharged into the nearby Little Dry Creek. The proposed storm sewer system has a higher capacity than the existing system and incorporates storm water quality features including rain gardens and hydrodynamic separators.


The multi-modal improvements made through this project will be subtle, yet impactful. The types of bicycle and pedestrian facilities will remain primarily the same throughout the project, however, key changes will be made to improve the pedestrian and bicycle experience. The project incorporates the following characteristics to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety and comfort:

  • Wider sidewalks on the S Broadway bridge
  • Buffer zones between pedestrian and vehicle traffic wherever possible
  • Improved overall aesthetic of the interchange
  • Leading pedestrian intervals in the traffic signal phasing
  • Roadway geometry that slows right turning traffic and provides higher pedestrian visibility
  • Pedestrian refuge islands that shorten crossings and reduce the number of conflicts in a giving crosswalk

Aesthetic Improvements

The project will make significant changes to the visual characteristics of the interchange. The new bridge will incorporate prominent gateway features in the form of bookend columns with a large City of Englewood facing US-285 traffic. The bridge and retaining walls will feature colored and textured concrete to further draw attention to the city’s downtown district.

Project Funding

This project has three sources of funding. Federal funds awarded via a grant through the DRCOG Transportation Improvement Program, State Funds, and City of Englewood funds. The funding breakdown is as follows:

$7.6M (Federal Grant) + $3.1M (CDOT) + $4.2M (City of Englewood) = $14.9M

Project Overview

The US-285 & S. Broadway Interchange Reconstruction project will reconstruct the S. Broadway bridge over 285, the adjacent ramps, and US-285 itself from approximately Bannock St to Sherman St. The project will replace the aging and outdated bridge, improve roadway geometry, and improve pedestrian and bicycle facilities within the interchange.

Project Schedule

The design phase started in December of 2020 and was completed in early 2022. The project was initially advertised for construction in June of 2022 and the bid opening held on July 26, 2022. Due to unexpectedly high bids, construction cannot start until additional funding is identified for the project.

Proposed Improvements

Interchange Configuration

The consultant worked with the City and CDOT to develop and review possible interchange configurations. Ultimately, the analysis resulted in the recommendation and selection of a tight diamond interchange, similar to what exists today. Compared to the existing interchange, the proposed interchange will feature:

  • Improved roadway geometry compared to the existing diamond
  • Improved storage space for northbound left turning traffic
  • Safer crossings with fewer conflicts between pedestrians and traffic at each crossing
  • Provides more accessible greenspace by shifting the ramps closer to US-285
  • Maintains a similar footprint which eliminates the need to acquire private right-of-way

Roadway Geometry Improvements

The new interchange will include 3 through lanes in each direction on US-285, while improving roadway geometry to meet modern standards for driver and pedestrian safety and comfort. The new interchange will modify the curve on US-285 to provide a more predictable and comfortable driver experience. The ramps will be designed to provide softer departure angles. The signalized intersection at US-285 & S. Sherman St will be removed to eliminate hazardous conflicts between US-285 traffic, S. Sherman traffic, and merging traffic to and from S. Broadway. The new geometry at Sherman St will only allow the option of traffic making a right turn from westbound US-285 to northbound Sherman St.

Bridge Replacement

The existing S Broadway bridge over US-285 is over 70 years old and does not meet modern design standards for roadways such as vertical clearances, appropriate lines of sights, and shoulders. This project will replace the outdated and deteriorating structure with a longer bridge to accommodate the additional lanes underneath. The bridge replacement gives the City the opportunity to improve on other sub-standard features on the S Broadway cross-section as well. Such improvements may include: an improved pedestrian and bicycle experience through wider sidewalks and a buffer zone between pedestrian and vehicle traffic, improved aesthetics on a keynote piece of infrastructure in the downtown district, and narrower lanes promoting safer driving as traffic enters the pedestrian dense downtown district.

Retaining Walls

As part of the bridge replacement the existing retaining walls will be removed. The new retaining walls will consist of short, cheap walls arranged in a stepped configuration to make up the elevation difference between US-285 & S. Broadway. In addition to a lower up front cost, these walls are easier to access and maintain, providing cost savings throughout the life-cycle of the new interchange.


The additional lanes on US-285 will add more surface run-off that will need to be collected and responsibly discharged into the nearby Little Dry Creek. The proposed storm sewer system has a higher capacity than the existing system and incorporates storm water quality features including rain gardens and hydrodynamic separators.


The multi-modal improvements made through this project will be subtle, yet impactful. The types of bicycle and pedestrian facilities will remain primarily the same throughout the project, however, key changes will be made to improve the pedestrian and bicycle experience. The project incorporates the following characteristics to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety and comfort:

  • Wider sidewalks on the S Broadway bridge
  • Buffer zones between pedestrian and vehicle traffic wherever possible
  • Improved overall aesthetic of the interchange
  • Leading pedestrian intervals in the traffic signal phasing
  • Roadway geometry that slows right turning traffic and provides higher pedestrian visibility
  • Pedestrian refuge islands that shorten crossings and reduce the number of conflicts in a giving crosswalk

Aesthetic Improvements

The project will make significant changes to the visual characteristics of the interchange. The new bridge will incorporate prominent gateway features in the form of bookend columns with a large City of Englewood facing US-285 traffic. The bridge and retaining walls will feature colored and textured concrete to further draw attention to the city’s downtown district.

Project Funding

This project has three sources of funding. Federal funds awarded via a grant through the DRCOG Transportation Improvement Program, State Funds, and City of Englewood funds. The funding breakdown is as follows:

$7.6M (Federal Grant) + $3.1M (CDOT) + $4.2M (City of Englewood) = $14.9M

  • 8.1.22 Update

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    US-285 & S. Broadway Users,

    This is the nineteenth in a series of monthly updates regarding the US-285 & S. Broadway Interchange Reconstruction Project.

    In the last month, the city advertised the project for construction. The bid opening was held on July 28. The city received 6 bids, however, the lowest bid was higher than the current budget could accommodate. Given the budget constraints, the city is considering alternative ways to fully fund the project in conjunction with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT).


    Englewood Public Works

  • 6.1.22 Update

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    US-285 & S. Broadway Users,

    This is the seventeenth in a series of monthly updates regarding the US-285 & S. Broadway Interchange Reconstruction Project.

    In the last month, the city received environmental clearance from CDOT. The project will now be reviewed by a CDOT Program Manager, then be sent to FHWA for their review and approval. Following FHWA approval, the project will be advertised for construction.


    Englewood Public Works

  • 5.3.22 Update

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    This is the sixteenth in a series of monthly updates regarding the US-285 & S. Broadway Interchange Reconstruction Project.

    In the last month, city staff presented the IGA amendment, which approves additional state and federal funds for the project, to City Council. The IGA was presented and approved after a second reading at last night’s City Council meeting. CDOT has continued reviewing the plans and has granted the Right-of-Way clearance for the project. The design team is expecting to receive the remaining CDOT clearance for the Environmental review within the next month.

    Upon receiving the Environmental clearance from CDOT, the project will go to FHWA for approval, then be advertised for construction.


    Englewood Public Works

  • 4.1.22 Update

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    US-285 & S. Broadway Users,

    This is the fifteenth in a series of monthly updates regarding the US-285 & S. Broadway Interchange Reconstruction Project.

    In the last month, city staff worked with CDOT to develop a draft amendment to the intergovernmental agreement for the project which, upon execution, will allocate additional state and federal funds to the project. CDOT has continued reviewing the plans and has granted the Utilities clearance for the project. The design team is expecting to receive the remaining CDOT clearances for the Environmental and Right-of-Way reviews within the next month.

    Upon receiving the remaining clearances from CDOT, the project will go to FHWA for approval, then be advertised for construction.


    Englewood Public Works

  • 3.1.22 Update

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    US-285 & S. Broadway Users,

    This is the fourteenth in a series of monthly updates regarding the US-285 & S. Broadway Interchange Reconstruction Project.

    In the last month, the consultant team continued addressing comments from the city and CDOT on the drainage, water quality, traffic signal plans, utility plans, and more. The consultant finalized the design and submitted the final bid package for approval from the city, CDOT, and FHWA.

    In the next month, the city will seek final clearances and approval to advertise for construction from CDOT and FHWA.


    Englewood Public Works

  • 2.2.22 Update

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    supporting image

    US-285 & S. Broadway Users,

    This is the thirteenth in a series of monthly updates regarding the US-285 & S. Broadway Interchange Reconstruction Project.

    In the last month, the consultant team submitted a pre-final review package to the city and CDOT. This package has allowed city and CDOT staff to confirm previous comments have been addressed while the consultant finalizes the drainage and water quality mitigation design. The proposed water quality mitigation measures- which will likely include both hydrodynamic separators and rain gardens will help remove pollutants and improve the quality of storm water runoff discharged into Little Dry Creek.

    In the next month, the consultant team will compile and submit the final bid package for approval.

    Englewood Public Works

    Preliminary Landscaping Overview; May not reflect final design

  • 12.3.21 Update

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    US-285 & S. Broadway Users,

    This is the eleventh in a series of monthly updates regarding the US-285 & S. Broadway Interchange Reconstruction Project.

    In the last month, the consultant team submitted the final review package to the city and CDOT. The city and CDOT are continuing to review the plans and provide comments to the consultant. The consultant has begun addressing comments.

    The consultant team will continue addressing comments and refining details of the plans & specifications over the next month.


    Englewood Public Works

  • 11.3.21 Update

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    US-285 & S. Broadway Users,

    This is the tenth in a series of monthly updates regarding the US-285 & S. Broadway Interchange Reconstruction Project.

    In the last month, the consultant team worked to finalize the plans, details, specifications and cost estimate in preparation for their next review package submittal to the city and CDOT. This included major efforts to finalize the construction phasing plans, roadway details, drainage plans, grading plans, retaining wall details, bridge details, landscaping plans, and aesthetic details. The project team hosted the third public meeting on October 28, 2021. The meeting was recorded and will be posted on the project webpage.

    The design team will submit the final review package to the city and CDOT later this week. The city and CDOT will review the plans, specifications, and cost estimate throughout the month and provide comments and direction for the final design.


    Englewood Public Works

    Preliminary Drawing, may not reflect final design.

  • Virtual Public Meeting #3 Link

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    Hey Englewood,

    On Thursday, October 28, 2021, the city will host the third Public Information Meeting for the US-285 & S. Broadway Interchange project. Please join us to learn more about the project and offer feedback on the direction of the design. This meeting will be hosted virtually using Zoom at 6 p.m.

    Please use the information below to access the meeting:

  • 10.1.2021 Project Update

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    supporting image

    US-285 & S. Broadway Users,

    This is the ninth in a series of monthly updates regarding the US-285 & S. Broadway Interchange Reconstruction Project.

    In the last month, the consultant team continued refining the structural design, grading design, drainage design and more. The landscape designers continued working on final designs and details for the aesthetic features of the interchange.

    In the coming month, the team will begin compiling the final bid package to be reviewed by the city and CDOT. Also, the project team will host the third Public Information Meeting for the project. The meeting will be held virtually on Thursday, October 28.


    Englewood Public Works

Page last updated: 07 Sep 2023, 09:47 AM